... a telemarketing project development company specializing in the development of new telemarketing projects and enhancement of existing programs for a variety of clients.
Specifically, Stellar Performance provides the following types of services:
1. Matching telemarketing centers with clients on a commission-only basis.
2. On Site telemarketing center consultations.
3. Script writing and program enhancements.
4. Database and list management.
5. Programming on specific types of dialers.
Links of interest
about Cherokee, Iowa. (click here).
Great Quality Assurance Department.
Instead of managing a bunch of employees to listen to recordings, you might want to consider saving as much as $5,000.00
per rep per year.
...And rid yourself of a lot of management headaches!
One company saves approximately $100k per year by outsourcing ALL their QA needs.
So instead of having 20 people verify sales (inbound and outbound) and do QA monitoring, they have 1 manager and an assistant.
Pricing is $6.00 per hour.
$5.50/hour for 5 FTEs and up.
Check out these useful links:
Special areas of interest and past highlights include:
A number of centers are already registered with Stellar Performance
Marketing and several clients have been placed--many long term. Stellar
Performance Marketing currently works with several clients running
over 800 hours per day.
Therefore, centers wishing to register may do so at no charge
by downloading the forms from the downloads
page. You'll need to download the registration form (just fill
it out in excel in about 5 minutes) and the centeragreement document.
ATTENTION Telemarketing managers and supervisors.
I'm frequently asked if I know someone that can fill different
types of positions. If you're interested, email a brief bio and/or
attach a resume. If something comes up, we'll contact you...at no
charge. Feel free to call anytime if your company is looking for
work, or for yourself.
Dan Seliger, Stellar Performance Marketing, Inc.
Today is:  
Available: Great back office company with over 10 years experience working for US companies verifying sale data from recordings and data entry.
... Or just call 712-225-1288
501 N. 5th St.
Cherokee, IA 51012
Email is first. We can exchange phones later.
Non-java capable browsers need to use these links:
Client's Page (there's usually
little or no charge to post a project.)
Mortgage Clients: Need to keep your loan officers busy?
Click here.
NEW. Download forms and information directly from this
Labor Problems with your center? Check out these tips.
Attendance issues? Not hitting your daily hours' goals.
Check out the 89-cent solution.
Centers looking for work. Click here.
Projects available now are listed at the top of the page.
Sales Hints for telemarketers. All rights reserved.
When used correctly, performance increases of 10-20% have occurred.
Training Information. Get new classes on the floor faster,
with less training time and increase morale.
Miscellaneous products and services.
Are you a manager, supervisor, etc., looking for something
Politic candidates can lock in their win now.
Interviewing Information. Get 70% of your applicants
right the first time.